

A. DEFINISI Conjunctive adverb adalah adverb yang menyerupai  conjunction , karena dapat menghubungkan dua independent  clauses  (induk kalimat). Adapun cara penulisan dan tanda bacanya adalah sebagai berikut. He was sick. Therefore, he was absent. He was sick. He, therefore, was absent. He was sick. He was absent, therefore. He was sick; therefore, he was absent. He was sick; he, therefore, was absent. He was sick; he was absent, therefore. He was sick; he was absent. B. JENIS Time after …. after a short/ long time afterward                            at least at the same time before that time before then                       immediately       lately later                                  meanwhile now                                 nowadays                        presently recently shortly since since then           soon                      temporarily then there afte r Addition, augmentation additionally again                           also